Monday, February 21, 2011


The messages from Pink seem to be more subtle or perhaps I am just more resistant to them... It seems like it should be an easy color, all about love and kindness, but I seem to be having a hard time with it. Maybe it's because I'm just having a hard time with life in general right now, maybe it's just because I don't feel worthy of love... I've even have a hard time saying our affirmations...

Anyway, today - or rather sometime in the last week, I got these, but put off reading them until now - these bits seemed very important to me...

From the Yoga Journal newsletter (which I can't find online):
"If we cannot love and accept ourselves just as we are, we will find it difficult to truly love anyone else in such a limitless, unconditional way." ~ Frank Jude Boccio, yoga and Zen Buddhist teacher
From Creativity is Sexy: Allowing Yourself to Receive Pleasure (go read the whole thing!!!):
our sexuality and sensual side can be an immense source of pleasure. in many ways, it is the physical definition of pleasure. though in order to enjoy this part of ourselves we have really be in tune with our desires, let go of shame, and embrace our imperfect bodies. these are often really hard things to do and is also why so many of us have left this part of ourselves behind.
this doesn’t mean you have to be swinging from the chandelier scantily clad and shooting whipped cream all over your bits (though that might be fun!), but what it really means is getting honest about how you feel physically and accept how you exist in this very moment...
I realize this last one might be considered a message from Red or Green, but accepting who I am now, physically, mentally, spiritually... and loving myself enough to allow others to love me too accept the love of others... that's all Pink, baby.

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