Sunday, February 7, 2016

And so we begin again...

After many starts and stops, I have begun my work with the colors again. This past Full Moon at the end of January, Jacqueline & I celebrated the Full Wolf Moon with Lady Black, who encourages us to seek our Truth. As we did so, we answered the question the Wolf Moon asks, "What dreams are you hungry for?" (Jamie Ridler's Year of Dreams)

♥ I am hungry for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jacqueline.

♦ I am hungry for a permanent full-time job that I love, not just substitute, part-time, or interim.

♠ I am hungry for a healthy, happy body: moving, resting, full of energy...

♣ I am hungry for a home I love to be in, colors on the walls I like, things around my room I want to see (not things i feel I have to keep)...

How I imagine Lady Black to appear at times...
Brooklyn Museum - Lady in Black - Emil Fuchs - overall
Emil Fuchs [No restrictions or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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