Sunday, January 25, 2009


I am so damn proud of myself... *blush*

I should have checked the photo one last time before I called it finished; I think it needs more shadow under the eyes and side of the nose. And I see all my other errors too, but I love it anyway! Look, it's got glitter!!!
my first self portrait

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Temple of the Twelve Study Tip

I'll admit I read the first section MONTHS ago, and stopped because I wanted to do the activities/exercises before moving on, and I got stuck on the self-portrait. Do I want to sketch something realistically, paint something, go cutesy, do a collage...??? And then it came down to OMG WHO AM I? :::sigh::: Why do I have to be so damn existential lately???? Anyway, I've been suffering with my self-image and have delayed - and I suppose I am now even by writing this and not doing it, but that's not the point! Anyway, I've found a video that might help us, by an artist who I haven't figured out yet. I don't know if she's stoned or crazy or just... you know what? It doesn't matter. I love her messages. I love her spirit. And I love *her*!

So, here she is: Suzi Blu: Self Portrait

PS - Our Creative Gods & Goddesses might find it inpiring too!